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brew tap cartr/qt4
brew tap-pin cartr/qt4
brew install qt@4

'Android > OpenCV' 카테고리의 다른 글

OpenCV Manager app 필요 없이 OpenCV 사용하기  (1) 2014.07.03
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1. Overview

2. Components

2-1. Log Creator: Game server instances -> Filebeat
2-2. Log Distributor: Logstash (logstash config example)
2-3. Log Warehouse: s3
2-4. Log Analyzer: python schedule makes job, python celery workers do the tasks. (loading data from S3 via Athena and aggregate and save it to MySQL) you can monitor celery workers using flower
2-5. Log Visualizer: ElasticSearch, Apache SuperSet

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시간을 거스르는자



아파치 그룹 오픈소스: https://github.com/apache/incubator-superset

아주 기가막힌 오픈 소스가 있었다! 이름도 수퍼한 superset!!

데이터 베이스만 연결하면 드레그엔 드랍만으로 멋진 통계그래프를 볼수 있다!

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시간을 거스르는자

